I have decided to write articles and journal entries in English from now on.
There are seceral reason for this.
I started using it at work.
Although learning English is not a repuirement, we are increasingly using English for internal interactions.
Since this is a good opportunity for me, I wanted to use it as a chance to learn English.
I want to increase my output.
I get lazy after work.
I was looking for activities that would lead to self-development.
I thought writing diaries and articles in English would be a good output.
I’d like to leave this as a reminder
I think that if I write my diary on paper, I won’t look at it, so I decided to make a Blog that I can look back on anytime.
I thought it would also serve as a record or a substitute for notes when I did some work.
However, I do not yet habe the skills to come up with my own sentences.
For the time being, I will just rely on DeepL to copy the translated sentences.
One day I hope be also to write articles and diaries in English from beginning to end without looking at anything.
Thank you for reading my jounal.
